Monday, April 30, 2007

Knittin to It Knit Club

I spent most of this weekend devoted to machine knitting events since the Knittin to It Knit Club met the next day after the Interknit Machine Expo. We had a nice turnout for Dean's presentation. He was really nervous but did a great job sharing his considerable expertise with us. Cheryl Schmedeke of Knitting and Sew Forth brought items from her shop and was amazed at how fast the Yeoman yarn sold!

Dean improvised this handy toolholder from a milk crate:

These fun snowman ornaments sport knitted arms and scarves. Caps can be knit too, of course.

The star is an E-wrapped surface embellishment using three different colors.

Finally, he showed how to attach pieces together to make a knitted patchwork.

I videotaped Deans presentation for the benefit of absent members. Unfortunately, I was so engrossed in the production that I can't remember the content! Please contact me if you would like to arrange a viewing.

Interknits Machine Knitting Expo

The Interknits machine knitting club hosted a Machine Knitting Exhibition on April 14th. Members brought their equipment and demonstrated various techniques as well as finished objects. It was alot of fun to see what everyone has been doing and as a bonus, Carol Foster from Our Shop brought yarn to sell!
If we had been giving out prizes, I think Gail's portrait of her late nephew would have won. It was a spectacular example of what can be created with Photoshop, DAK and double bed jaquard.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

It's been a cold April here in the Midwest and East Coast. I spent Easter weekend in the Washington DC area where we received a dusting of snow.

The frosted cherry blossoms were a pretty sight.

After my return to the Midwest,we woke up to this a few days later. My husband was glad that
he hadn't changed the snow tires on his car yet!

Well, I've posted my first photos. More about knitting later.......

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Testing, Testing, One, Two Three

I'm trying to keep my creaky middle-aged brain oiled by trying something new-creating a knitblog! My goal is to keep in touch with fellow knitters and any interested family members (especially the globe-hopping daughter). Now that I've updated my browser I'll try to post some photos.